If you are subscribed to the newsletter, then you saw the publishing news! I am very excited for this next step for Uncomfortably Dark.
I will be taking this very slowly for my authors as I learn all of the necessary steps in order to give each of their books the attention it deserves for each of their releases and after.
First order of business, with regards to my solo work, I will continue to self-publish my solo work, but this will be done under a variation of my alternate logo “Be the Kindness in the Dark” beginning in Jan. 2024. I will also be shopping some of my projects for next year around to some other indie publishers. My personal website will be live by year end for my solo work.
The publishing house will remain Uncomfortably Dark Horror and will publish the Dark Dozen anthologies and our signed authors'. Our mission statement remains the same “bringing you the best in horror, one uncomfortably dark page at a time.”
Secondly, there is still some paperwork to be signed to make things official on all fronts. Once I take care of that, author signing announcements will go out weekly during December. Those will be done via the Saturday Special Report blog posts every weekend, beginning Dec. 9th and concluding on Dec. 30. Once the announcments have been made, I will release our anticipated publishing scheduling for the year.
Third, the website will undergo a few changes but will remain mostly the same with the addition of an Uncomfortably Dark Author page. The site will still maintain support of the indie community with author directories, publisher and press lists, resources, reviews and the blog.
And last but not least, the Patreon will continue to be a source for all Uncomfortably Dark content, including behind the scenes looks, early access to short stories, free merch, books, and the Story in Progress series. New content from all the authors will be added as I welcome them to the family.
If you are not on the Patreon as of yet, you can join at the link below:
Please note that at this time, I am NOT open to any submissions, queries, or pitches. This first year will be one of learning and patience to give my current authors the best launch possible. Please look for details on submissions toward winter of 2024.