As we finish up our guest reviews before our team comes back from break, Mike Rankin is back with a couple more! This time, we get to hear his thoughts on Because You're Mine by Kristopher Triana and Our Dead Girlfriend by Jon Athan!
Extreme horror fans rejoice for its a double dose!
Because You’re Mine
by Kristopher Triana
Shelby is employed as a nurse at Merrimack Memorial Hospital, she has an unusual passion for the medical profession. Surrounded by potential victims, she loves the thrill of taking lives.
Bryan’s propensity for playing a piano, a gift passed down from generation to generation, takes care of his fragile mother. With one eye on the trust fund and the other on his vulnerable mother, Bryan begins his disturbing downward spiral. When these two dark souls' cross paths, a shared passion of causing illness and fatality becomes the afterglow of their unconventional relationship.
Because You’re Mine by Kristopher Triana is tainted with heavy doses of bleach injections among other toxic chemicals. Let’s just say agonizing sadism assaults are the common thread between Triana’s sinister duo characters. A relationship based on the killing kind is a cruel twist of fate that makes this demented connection thrive. It’s amazing what you can do with a caulking gun and piano wire.
Having read Kristopher Triana for years now, I believe his strong suit is his morbid characters and shock value. He hits on the extreme end of human behavior and allows his readers to confront the boundaries between normalcy and deviance. He is a master at building tension then blindsides you with an unexpected dose of chaotic evil. Triana could write a grocery list and make it feel like a creepy cold case murder book.
For me, sitting down with a Kristopher Triana book is like slapping a Black Sabbath vinyl on a turntable and placing the stylus medical needle gentle into the groove. With a blend of heavy images and elements of catchy storylines, Because You’re Mine is his Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. The high energy, dynamic arrangements and memorable moments constantly evolve within these unique pages.
Favorite quote…”we were given life so we might take it from others.” Monsters come in many shapes and sizes that leave a trail of yellow crime scene tape in their wake. Prepare for Triana’s dry-heaving moments of insatiable bloodlust. With that being said, it’s time for your medication.
A five star ️️️️️Horror Bookworm Recommendation.
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Our Dead Girlfriend
by Jon Athan
When bullied out of their self-made club house, a group of boys seek another hangout. While exploring the nearby woods they discover a dead girl’s body. After intense discussions on how to handle their unsettling situation, they decide to keep it a secret. However, as a victim of severe bullying and the insecurities of self-discovery, one of the boys decides to “keep her” as his very own.
Our Dead Girlfriend by Jon Athan delves into the touchy subject-matters of bullying, longing for affection and of course a non-consensual relationship with a rotting corpse. These deviant elements of violence and perverted obsessions are presented with a disregard for moral responsibility. Beneath the clumps of dirt, broken twigs and dead leaves lies a compelling story of how true evil evolves and is capable of the most heinous acts of desecration.
Jon Athan creates characters that are seemingly normal and unassuming yet have a deeply disturbing psyche. Fusing bullies and outcasts with mental and physical violence, Athan unveils a match made in Hell. The excitement, anxiety, remorse and morbid curiosity felt by the boys hits the heart and stomach full force. All of these combined elements create mental images of unbridled cruelty that infiltrate the mind. A plethora of cringe worthy moments await the reader.
Unpredictable and deeply unsettling, try to convince yourself...”it’s ok”…I dare you. Our Dead Girlfriend by Jon Athan will be at the top of your reading list for 2025. Get your hands dirty and grab your copy.
A five star ️️️️️Horror Bookworm Recommendation.
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