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Writer's pictureCandace Nola

09/24/2023 Ramblings from the Dark

Been sick with Covid for over two weeks now and I will admit, it’s been a rough go this time. I’ve had it three times now, even with being vaccinated, and this time has been by far the worst round. That being said, I am slowly recovering from it. Exhaustion is very real, and I am still dealing with some coughing and fevers, but not as much.

I’ve been lucky enough to do some editing work for Jay Bower, John Durgin, John Lynch, Kristopher Triana, Daniel Volpe, Drew Huff, and Kristopher Rufty as of late and when I tell you, there are some phenomenal things coming your way and that have recently released, rest assured, I mean it. I absolutely love this part of my life and helping some of my favorite authors bring their story into that final stage of completion brings me such absolute joy. I have more work on the schedule now, from some new to the industry authors as well as some established favorites, and I can’t wait to read their work and help them get it into your hands.

For Uncomfortably Dark publishing, I am overjoyed with the response to M. Ennenbach’s CUCKOO. This has been an incredible journey for him and I both and I am so honored that he chose me as his publisher, taking into account that this part of publishing is very new to me, but knowing that I would give it my full attention. The reviews have been amazing, and I am very happy to report that Uncomfortably Dark will have more coming from M. Ennenbach very soon. To add to that, I have the new anthology DARK DISASTERS releasing in November, and two authors to bring into the fold.

I do plan on keeping the publishing schedule very slow for Uncomfortably Dark as I learn this part of my journey and to ensure that I can give each project my full attention, as well as maintain the website and my own writing. I believe that each author is as special as their story and in order to give each release the launch it deserves; it requires time, patience, and my full attention. As we move forward, you can expect to see the annual anthology and three to four releases a year from my signed authors. I am not open to submissions as of yet, but perhaps by 2025, I will be able to take more on.

For my personal writing, I have 3 novels coming out between October and January, as well as a couple more Godless shorts to close out the year. I will be starting a new Story in Progress on Patreon on Oct. 1, and my patrons can expect to see a new installment each Sunday until it is completed. The way this series works is I write the installment the morning I post it and leave it raw and unedited. When the story reaches completion, I then do the edits and revisions, and all patrons receive a free eBook of the finished copy two weeks prior to wide release. This allows my patrons a behind the scenes look at my raw output, getting the first look at a new story and my process, and they are rewarded with a fully finished free novel/novella upon completion.

For appearances, I have two events coming up in October. One is Brownsville Screams in PA and the other is Scary Book Fest in Asbury, NJ. You can find these details, dates, and locations on my website. I do plan on driving down to the Horror Hangover event in VA for Nov. 4-5, so maybe I’ll get to see some folks there. For next year, I am at both Scares That Care AuthorCon 3 & 4 events, Texas AuthorCon, TBRCon and KillerCon to start and I expect to be attending a handful of local events as well.

For the website, I have had some issues with my computer over the past couple of months. Essentially, my website is simply too large for my current PC to properly process all the updates. I hope to order a new computer in early October that will be much faster and then I can finish all the additions to the directories as well as add in some new features. There will be an open call listing, and the services page will be rounded out with formatters, editors, and more. I thank you for your patience in being added and I assure you; I have not forgotten your requests. I just ask that everyone is aware that all of this is being done by one person with a day job and kids. LOL.

I’ll end this with some reminders that Uncomfortably Dark does NOT charge for any author interview, exclusive events or to be added to the site in any way. You only need to send me an email to set up a feature. I DO have 2 monthly Publisher Sponsor spots ($60) on the home page and 6 weekly Author promo spots ($10) that I do charge for, and that is all. These very low fees go back into the website to help offset the cost of running the site, and that is all.

I also would like to start giving my reviewers a monthly Amazon gift card to help offset their purchases so when they post their reviews to Amazon, they are all showing as verified purchases. We do purchase every book we review even though we get them as free ARC’s. This also helps our authors with sales and ensures that Amazon retains and approves those reviews.

If you want to support the site and our review efforts, help out by joining Patreon, purchasing an author spot or publisher spot or by donating to the Tip Jar. Sharing the word, our reviews, and our posts also help support the site and the entire indie community as the site is dedicated to sharing and reviewing indie horror authors.

If you are looking for my personal content, I do have a new site that you can now see below and a few other links to make it easy. All my personal work has been moved off Uncomfortably Dark and resides on my personal author website.

Thank you for reading my ramblings today and for joining me here in the dark, where I remain uncomfortable, always.


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