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Brawl Review: Left to You by Daniel Volpe

As things are heating up in round two of the indie brawl over in Books of Horror, the reviews continue. Some of these votes have been super close and it is so fun to watch who comes out on top in each bracket. Everyone of the titles are already winners, in my opinion, just for having made it into the 32!

One of today's winners is an all time favourite of mine, written by a talented author and amazing guy.

Which brings us to today's review: Left to You by Daniel Volpe

“What would you do to save a loved one? Robert’s mother, Helen, is ravaged with cancer. Every day could be her last, and Robert dreads losing the last member of his family. Robert’s friend and Holocaust survivor, Josef, tells him an unholy story and leaves him a way to save his dying mother. But, as with everything in life, the salvation comes with a steep price. Will Robert accept what’s left to him and save his mother? Or will the cost be too high, weighing Robert’s soul down to the depths of Hell?”

Ever since the first book I read by Volpe he became a must buy for me. Since then I have picked up every one of his titles except for two, I think. And I will get them. Don't you worry about that!

Volpe sometimes jokes that I am a "fake fan" because I don't power through all his books like they are crack. But it is becasue I save them for the days that I need a comfort read. I know, I know, the subject matter of Volpe's books aren't particular comforting. But it's the prose, and the way he tells a story, that gives me that perfect immersion into a text.

So, listen up Danny boy, I've read this one and it is my absolute favourite. Yes, it even surpasses Only Psychos (which, depending on my mood when you ask, I still sometimes say is my favourite haha).

Volpe draws you in with a tale of sickness and grief and then loads it up with... more sickness and grief (on one sort or another). The tie in with the Holocaust is haunting to be sure. There is nothing to like about that whole situation... and then demons? No fucking thank you. Yet the character depth is chef's kiss and the plot rolls along smoothly. The pacing is perfect and I love how fluid the POV and timeline jumps are. As you learn more about each character and their lives, your mind is challenged and you start questioning everything you thought was right.

How strong is your moral code? What would you do when faced with a real demon and your inner demons? Which will prevail...?

That's all I'm going to say about it, and the the choice to read it or not is... Left to You.

Where can you find this book: Amazon

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