Get to know Christina: Horror Edition (not whore, you jerks!).
I’m a 41-year-old, SAHM with two children, 9 and 6. (I know your maturity levels and I’m not reversing them). My husband is military and currently living in Alaska. (Yes, it’s like living in a postcard.) I started in this community in July 2021-ish and haven’t been able to quit it since. It’s my depraved oasis when I need a break from real life and I’m not sure what that says about me. But here are some questions and answers.
Favorite horror film: None. I don’t like them. They scare me.
Favorite Halloween season film: The Worst Witch (it’s not scary).
Favorite serial killer: All of them?
Favorite Splatterpunk book: Genital Grinder - Ryan Harding (like no one knows that).
Favorite authors: Too many… but here are some to check out; Ryan, Ed Lee, Chandler Morrison, Simon Mchardy, Sean Hawker, Candace Nola, Rayne Havok, Mike Ennenbach, Jason Nickey, Stuart Bray, R.J. Benetti, Eric Butler, Ash Ericmore, Montague White, Lucas Mangum, Lucas Milliron, Christine Morgan, Bryan Smith, Seamus Belial, Stephen Cooper, Kelvin VA Allison, Nikolas Robinson, Lindsay Crook, Wrath James White, Carver Pike, Peter Caffrey, Kevin Sweeney, Glenn Rolfe, and I guess throw in Duncan Ralston out of pity, ha. :) — There are so many more and you just need to seek them out.
Who would I not want to meet in a dark alley? My children because they kill me slower than any murderer would.
What is my worst nightmare? Already living it. A never ending TBR and crippling anxiety because of it.
Have more questions? Just ask. :)