Hi All! It has been a while. I'm happy to be back to writing reviews and I'll be throwing it back to Fall/Halloween season for my first few reviews of the year.

1. Oooooo…this was good! I’ve been seeing this one all over social media (how fitting) for quite some time and finally decided to dive on in. I’m a little sad it took me so long to get to it, but also feel like it was a good end of summer/early fall read, which is when I read it, so I can’t really complain about that. If you’re a seasonal-vibe reader like I am, this is a great read for the time between back to school and Halloween.
2. As a book reviewer, I clearly need to use social media, but I don’t like it. At all. This book truly made me feel old. LOL. The ‘elders’ of the town aren’t fond of what the next generation is becoming and so they come up with a plan to fix that. The younger generation isn’t doing anything wrong, per se, they’re just different than their parents due to technology. I can 100% see both sides, and my disdain for the necessary evil of social media made me feel like the crotchety old people of this town.
3. Being from a small farming town myself, I can confirm Cesare nailed the small-town vibe. Especially the descriptions of the cornfield party. Reading about the main group’s arrival to the field brought back so many wonderful memories – thankfully none of our parties ended the way this party did! Yikes.
4. There’s a diverse cast of characters from the big-man-on-campus to the new girl. There is high-school love and strained family dynamics. Between all of that there’s the question of how well do you truly know someone and what are they hiding from you?
This is next up for my paperback read and I’m so excited! It’s been on my TBR since Aug 29, 2020 😅